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all is fake points not increase

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all is fake points not increase
2016/7/31 上午 2:20
where is your 50 point per hand. you are over.not anybody will play this game. why you change this all. me and my all friend very angry of your new updates.emoticon

RE: all is fake points not increase
2016/8/1 下午 12:30 作為回覆給Ekam Ghuman
Hello there,Team Gamentio would like to inform you that we have launched a new and improved points distribution scheme.The highlight:winners will now take home MORE points. Like any good round of card game the showdown on Gamentio now will be bigger, better and more exciting.Gamentio, being in its Alpha phase, is constantly evolving itself to give its users the best card gaming experience. This change has been brought about by your precious feedback, in keeping the card games as authentic as possible:-

  • With the Winner Taking All(upto 50 Points per game)

  • Points will not be awarded to losing opponents anymore

  • This has been facilitated by the efforts of our engineers who have worked tediously to deliver complex algorithms that ensure Smooth and Fair Gameplay
  • The algorithm ensures complex and highly competitive hands winMore Reward Points (upto 50 Points per game)than normal hands
  • The objective is to reward the winners based on the skill involved and to bring in the competitive thrill without losing the spirit of the game
We truly appreciate your support and encourage you to continue playing on Gamentio and we promise to come back bigger and better with every release.Play more, Win more and Shop even more. Happy Gaming!!!
Thanks and Regards,Team GamentioFor any further details please contact us at, we would love to hear from you.

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