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Only for fit brains: Puzzles

  • 出版日期 六月 9, 2016
  • 由 Admin


Answer these ridiculously simple yet complicated puzzles



1. Situation: There are two numbers, which when multiplied, give 10,000, but neither of them contains a zero.

Question: Which numbers are these?


2. Situation: Jason and Kiara have two kids. The probability that first child is a girl is 50% and the probability that the second child is also a girl is again 50%. The couple have revealed that their first is is a girl.

Question: What is the probability of the second kid being a girl as well?


3. Situation: A snail is stuck at the bottom of a 20 meters deep pit. During the daytime the snail climbs 5 meters upwards but at night it slides 4 meters backwards.

Question: How many days will it take for the snake to reach the top of the pit?


4. Situation: The day after tomorrow is the third day after Wednesday.

Question: Which day was the day before yesterday?


5. Situation: Mike is standing behind Terry but Terry is also standing behind Mike.

Question: How is this possible?


6. Question: In Formula One, what is the position of the car after it passes the second placed car?


7. Situation: Kyle and Sean are brothers. Born within the same hour and on the same day, but yet they are not twins.

Question: How is this possible?


Click here to find out the Answers to all of the above questions


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