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Game of Thrones Mystery Unraveled

  • 出版日期 六月 7, 2016
  • 由 Admin

It’s true that Game of Thrones has reached a stage where the secrets we all have been waiting for years to unveil will finally begin to transpire, yet we can’t stop ourselves from predicting what’s going to  happen next. It appears that John Snow (the bastard son of Ned Stark), with the support of Wildlings and other allies, will manage to get back the control over Winterfell. Theon Greyjoy’s elder sister is going to seek support from the mother of dragons, which is likely to prove lethal for the bastard son (Ramsay) of Roose Bolton. The battle of bastards will certainly go in the favor of John Snow.


However, the biggest question is who among Khaleesi Daenerys Targaryen and John Snow is going to rule the seven kingdom. Khaleesi is indeed a dangerous rival to have. Her gigantic dragons can win her any battle in only a matter of hours. So, how John gonna deal with it. The best possibility is that John’s brother Bran, who has the uncanny ability of controlling animals and people, will come into action to help John reign over the throne of King Landings. Otherwise, Tyrion Lannister (the imp), going by his diplomatic skills and sharp-wit, and Melisandre, who worships the Lord of Light, will play a key role in removing the likely deadlock between John and Khaleesi.


Winter is also coming, and White Walkers ( the deads) are not too far. They are coming for the kill and take away the control from living kings and queens of the seven kingdoms. So, who is gonna kill them. Dragons yet again are the key here; John’s army can also destroy the army of White Walkers using the dragonglass.


Although a lot of drama still remains in the cliffhanger, we can keep our fingers crossed and hope our favorite characters survive through the very end.


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