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Ready to Roll: Gamentio goes live

  • Published Date December 14, 2015
  • By Admin

“We all have dreams. Small & big ones. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort.” - Jesse Owens

We know the efforts a dream requires to come alive. We know the patience a dream requires to take shape. We know the frustration one goes through when things go unplanned. We understand all of it, because we have lived every emotion attached to nurturing a dream, in the attempt to make it a reality. And, perhaps that is why we are so proud Today, as we go LIVE!

A great deal of things have been done, undone, attempted, implemented, and then changed, reformed and improved to make us what we are Today! We have added new features, changed the ambience of the room, introduced a seamless UI. In short, we did everything possible to ensure that you guys like and love it as much as we do!

As we gear up for our grand day, the team can not be anymore excited! Right from the developers to the designers, everyone is anxiously waiting to hear from players like you.

Sumeet Arora, the Lead Architect of Gamentio, says, “As much as I am thrilled, I am also eagerly waiting to know how card game players receive & respond to Gamentio. As we go Live, we are closing one chapter of Project Gamentio, and opening another-The story of thereafter. I hope it is as much fun as the journey so far!”

Likewise, every single member of Team Gamentio is pumped up like a kid on sugar. Excitement and thrill is in the air for them. Gaurav Rawat, Lead Designer, shares “I can’t be more happy. I just can’t wait to show my efforts to the World. With Gamentio going Live, all our efforts, hard work, and hopes go Live too. It is an amazing feeling!”

When asked how they feel when they see their final product, the Team’s response is unanimous, “We feel Proud. It proves that everything we did for the past couple of years, right to the very second, has been worth it.”

Along with everything, we would also like to take a moment here and express our heartfelt appreciation for everyone who has been a part of this project. We faced many smooth as well as rough roads since we started, but now nothing of that matters. We are ready! We are Live!


We shared our stories of how we started, how we failed, and how we stood up & succeeded. We all as a team have strived to achieve our one sole purpose - Gamentio. And, all this would be truly incomplete without you. So, join us, play along, challenge the rank leaders, enjoy the world of 3D gaming, and express with realistic gestures & 3D models.


We are eagerly waiting to hear from you!

#GoGame #GoGamentio

Team Gamentio

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