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I’m All In: Which Poker Animal are you?

  • Published Date August 12, 2016
  • By Jimmy Butler

Poker and Animals have an uncanny association and it goes back a long way. From Sharks to Ducks we have a lot of animals related to the game in some way or the other. So let’s find out what are the types of Poker Animals and later you can identify which one are you.


  1. Fish


    Arguably the most popular type of animal referred to in Poker. Everyday there are so many fishes siting on our tables, be it online or live. If you think you are an edge above them and can timely identify them, you can feast on them all day long. But if are not able to do so, well don’t be offended but the truth is then, that you are a ‘Big Fish’.


  1. Mouse


    As timid as it sounds, it is appropriately termed for some players who just lack courage while playing Poker. These are extremely conservative players and will rarely raise even with some really good starting hands, forget playing suited connectors. Will never bluff!! Just remember if they are ever raising, they are sure to have the nuts. You can easily bluff them off a top pair with a size able bet on a wet board. Won’t win much or loose either, just there to survive.


  1. Whale


    A humongous bankroll is what best identifies a Whale. These filthy rich brats or business tycoons are mostly on the radar of the Sharks on the tables, who are waiting for the right opportunity to take a small chunk of their massive bankroll. But Beware!! If you make a wrong read, move or luck gets you on a given day, then be ready to loose a fairly decent chunk of your bankroll. Simply because Whales are usually found on high stakes games and a loosing a pot at showdown will cost you a lot, as these Whales they just don’t care about the money.


  1. Donkey


    AKA Donks! Are the most stupid poker players on this planet. Clueless on how to play they will keep playing too many hands, bluffing with the worst and folding to a bluff too often. They will keep calling till the river even though they do not stand a chance in those hands. They are generous to make it loud and apparent that they truly are ‘Donks’ !!


  1. Shark


    Get serious now, will you? Yes stay away from these beasts and run as fast as you can, if you’re really trying to make some money playing Poker. Poker is all they do, day in and out. Hours, Days, Months and Years of training is what makes them super awesome Poker players. They’ll happily feast on all the others and crush the weakest throughout their presence on the table.


  1. Elephant


    Another breed of players that will keep paying you off all day long. Extremely loose and passive players that will get involved in almost every hand no matter how weak or strong it is. The funniest thing is even if they miss the flop they’ll keep drawing for a pair or backdoors and eventually ending up loosing a high percentage of hands. With the tendency of calling everything, one should be wary about bluffing such kind of players. Instead you can always extract value with premium hands from them and use their ‘calling’ trait to your advantage.


  1. Lion


    True to their name these are the the type of players that are considered to be among the strongest existing in the Poker World. Usually found on high stakes tables and are extremely strong headed and fearless. Will play a selective range of hands and regularly scoop off massive pots without much fuss. They also know how to play the position to their advantage and bluff others off the best hand owing to their strong image. AKA Tight Aggressive!


To conclude, always remember that there is a bold line between a winning and a loosing player. So the kind of Poker animal you are will eventually seal your fate. It may be difficult but it is not impossible for a Donk to transform himself to a Shark. All it takes is focus, discipline and a lot of experience! 

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Posted on 8/17/16 5:25 PM.
Interesting! I'm a fish for sure emoticon
Posted on 11/11/16 1:12 PM.
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