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What Makes a Social Casino Game "Social"?

  • Published Date July 12, 2016
  • By Admin



Image: Flickr


Casino games took birth long ago in the 60’s and 70’s where players used to gamble casino chips on a possible number of outcomes or combinations of outcomes. And still, the allure of casino games has not tarnished. However, one of the most obvious and biggest hurdle for players has been that most of the good casinos are located at long distances (mostly due to legal restrictions), so it not possible for many interested players to travel  just to indulge their interests. Even on the weekends, due to the busy work-life culture, we might have to restrain ourselves from going out and play.

However, an avid player cannot stay away for long from playing with those colorful chips set amongst a bustling and shiny backdrop. So what could be the possible way? How will a player stop missing a round of table or pulling the trigger of a slot machine?

Well, for those avid players social casino has taken birth. Since the internet came along, the casino industry has changed largely. They have taken a splurge from playing a top class slot to table games, and from home to recent developments like live dealer streaming.


Why We Call It a ‘Social’ Casino?

Say a person sitting alone in his room while he plays on a virtual slot machine, how will you make him feel that he is not playing alone? How will you make him feel that he is in a real world casino, sitting amidst a buzzful table, and able to interact with other players?  Well, that‘s what a social casino does or aims to do. The social casino, along with giving the players a chance to play their favorite games, gives them a chance to socialize too.

So, how did the “social” casino games came to be? How did it transform from a game of hitting the keyboard to enjoying a realistic simulation of actual games where a player is actually playing with others without actually being there??

There is a short and simple answer: Thanks to social media features. Chatting, inviting other players or contenders, competing, moving in and out of rooms, commenting and sharing your achievements on connected social channels all together have fueled social casino games. Now you can play on the slot machines or table games while chatting with fellow  players, or keeping an eye on the moves of your contender, check the leaderboards, challenge scores of a friend and invite them to play few rounds. Just as a real-life casino crowded with many players at a time, social casino tends to give a similar feeling through their virtual world.

What Made Social Casino Hot N Happening?

  • The established connection with the social channels and in this case Facebook has piggybacked social casinos to a lot extent. Quests and game goals of an avid player can be shared with a number of friends playing online. Being connected through social networks helps players to accept a game with neighbors and make new  friends and allies as well.


  • Virtual currency helps to transform the social casino just like the real world money games. With the in-game currency, players can upgrade and purchase goodies just like one would have done in a world casino without the fear of losing all their hard earned money in a jiffy


Wrapping Up

The social casino is one of the fastest growing gaming industry of today and with their socializing features, they are able to preserve the flavor of the conventional casino games. As the real money winnings seem to put overgrowing restrictions on the conventional casino world, more players are taking to social casino.

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Posted on 7/14/16 4:52 PM.
I play in casino when i have a good mood ) I think it's the only way to win ! - a game that is uplifting!
Posted on 9/29/16 2:48 PM.
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