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Answers to only for fit brains: Puzzles

  • Published Date June 9, 2016
  • By Admin


1. The two numbers are 2 and 5, none of them contains a zero and here is how you will multiply them to get the desired number of 10,000. 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 5 x 5 x 5 x 5 = 10,000


2. There are four possible combinations of kids which are



( A ) Girl & Girl

( B ) Girl & Boy

( C ) Boy & Girl

( D ) Boy & Boy


But the fourth combination is out of the equation as the couple revealed that they have one girl. So from the remaining three combinations any one can be true as each has atleast one girl in them and then probability is going to be 1/3 (33% approx).


3. On the first day the snail reaches the height of 5 meters and slides down down 4 at night and makes up 1 meter. On the second day, he reaches 6 meters but slides back to 2 meters. On the third day he reaches 7 meters but then slides back to 3. So if you keep going like this he will reach up to 20 meters in 16 days.


4. The third day after Wednesday is Saturday, so today is Thursday. Therefore the day before yesterday was Tuesday.


5. Mike and Terry and standing with their backs towards each other.


6. Second.


7. Kyle and Sean are a part of set of triplets, quadruplets of even more. Thus they are not twins but brothers.

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