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Social Casino Impacts as Perceived by Different Cultures

  • Published Date September 1, 2017
  • By ridhima arora
Gambling is one of the most popular pastimes in the entire world, and if you thought it was a relatively new concept, you may be surprised to learn that the human race has been gambling for thousands of years. The earliest concrete evidence of gambling can be traced back to ancient China from around 2300 BC. Here, tiles were unearthed which were apparently used to play a very basic game of Chance. Since then however, things have changed a great deal, especially because of the fact that we now have online social casino games. Casinos are again very popular in countries all over the globe, but are they always considered a good thing? Well, to help get to the bottom of things once and for all, we’ll now be taking an in-depth look at the social impacts of casinos, as perceived by different cultures across the globe.

How casinos can affect society as a whole 
When it comes to assessing exactly how casinos may affect society in general, things often become tricky. You see, there are numerous factors which have to be taken into consideration, and as the saying goes ‘you can’t please everybody’. To begin with, when talking about casinos, economics must be factored into the equation, as naturally they cost money, they generate money for the economy, but of course, they also lose people money. Economics however, are only part of the picture as we also need to look into moral issues, the environment, and overall quality of life. The advent of internet has lead to the creation of social casino games which look to offer more than just gambling like, socialising options, new variations of games, lucrative pay outs, easy accessibility without having to spend too much. There are numerous free online casino games too.

Quality of life
 For many, casinos are simply another component making up the entertainment and leisure sectors, and when you think about it, they have a point. In casinos, people spend money to have fun and to enjoy themselves. Now, obviously part of the excitement is the anticipation of whether they will win or not, but for many, it is fun nonetheless. Gambling is no longer something just the rich can afford, it’s accessible by all and games such as Poker online and Rummy card game have evolved into reflections of one’s intelligence and have become an important part of cultures around the world. We can see this by the rate at which their popularity has grown in the last couple of years. These card games are million dollar industries in themselves due to how much they are revered. 

Moral issues 
This is where things start to become less black and white, because there are of course moral issues to contend with. Some cultures may argue that casinos are immoral because they prey on vulnerable people with gambling addictions. Having access to a casino could encourage people to gamble when, ordinarily, without temptation, they wouldn’t feel the need. This will always be a point of debate with governance playing an important role in laying down rules regarding Gambling and Casinos.  

Religious concerns 
There are some cultures that object to casinos purely on religious grounds. Gambling in a casino is a contradiction or the moral principles making up many religious faiths, which talk about hard work, thrift, and clean and sober living. However, with free card games online and free online casinos, many of these concerns can certainly be alleviated to a certain degree.

The positives 
We’ve looked at the rough, now it’s time to look at the smooth, as we look at some of the positives associated with casinos. Casinos are considered a part of Native American culture nowadays, and they certainly have helped generate income for many tribes, communities, and reservations. Casinos also provide jobs, they help boost the economy, and potentially, they can help people to win money and possibly improve the overall quality of their lives. In terms of popularity, almost 70% of the general public believe that casinos can benefit the economies in their regions, though they believe that more should be done to help tackle issues associated with gambling addictions. Casinos also offer a lot of variety from table games, card games, slots, dice games etc. Everyone can choose their pick and enjoy it to the fullest. Online social casinos and card games have facilitated this further with its ease of accessibility. However, there are still very strict laws that surround gambling, casinos and card games in general. 


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