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(Esteu veient una versió arxivada d'aquesta pàgina. (2.4), Ves a l'ultima versió.)

Introduction: Dear Players, it’s time to meet the crazy geniuses who contributed in various ways and made Gamentio a fantastic reality. Here they are, the Heroes of Gamentio!!!Introduction

Our Team



    Gamentio's Architect



    The Marketing Wizard


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Publicat el dia 15/09/23 18:59.
Publicat el dia 15/09/23 19:01.
Publicat el dia 15/09/23 18:56.
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Publicat el dia 15/09/23 18:58.
Publicat el dia 15/09/23 18:58.
Publicat el dia 15/09/23 18:58.
Publicat el dia 15/09/23 18:58.
Publicat el dia 15/09/23 18:58.
Publicat el dia 15/09/23 18:58.
Publicat el dia 15/09/23 18:58.
Publicat el dia 15/09/23 18:58.
Publicat el dia 15/09/23 18:58.
Publicat el dia 15/09/23 19:44 en resposta a MBWUpmEH.
Publicat el dia 15/09/23 19:44 en resposta a MBWUpmEH.
Publicat el dia 15/09/23 19:44 en resposta a MBWUpmEH.
Publicat el dia 15/09/23 19:44 en resposta a MBWUpmEH.
Publicat el dia 15/09/23 19:44 en resposta a MBWUpmEH.
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Publicat el dia 15/09/23 19:44 en resposta a MBWUpmEH.
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