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How Killing Time with Card Games Online Becomes a Hobby

  • Published Date June 30, 2017
  • By ridhima arora

We have all been stuck in places and situations we never want to be in; traffic jams, at work, at airports, inside the house on a hot summer day. Believe me when I say I have discovered a way to make the most of these situations and make them genuinely fun. This magical place is my world of card games online. So next time you find yourself “stuck” in any of the following situations, play a round of cards and you’ll feel the ache of the real world slip away:-

Bad weather conditions  

This one is so true in my case because the monsoon just hit us and it was good for the first five minutes and then it was just sticky weather with flooded roads, mosquitos and frizzy hair. Going out in extreme weather conditions is just not an option, it can be dangerous even. On such days work gets affected the most, a good stress buster is what you need and card games are my saviour. As soon as I start to feel frazzled I play a Blackjack game or two, compose myself and I’m ready to hustle. It’s  just a click away and is also a quick respite from your daily troubles.   


Travelling for leisure can be fun unless your flight or train gets delayed by several hours and you find yourself stranded in an enclosed space with hundreds of people. It’s even worse when you’re travelling alone. Work and other commitments usually keep a lot of us on the move from one city to another and you find yourself in an empty hotel room at the end of every tiresome day. I think social casino games should be your go to. They offer a lot more features than just a game, like chat and messaging which make the game interactive and you can play it over a long period of time without getting bored. 


While waiting  

For millennials everything needs to be fast paced. We HATE waiting !!! Even if you’re not a millennial, wasting time in any way feels like you’re committing a crime. But, more often than not we find ourselves waiting; in lines, at airports, at railway stations, in traffic-jams, at the doctors clinic, at the salon, at a coffee shop for your date to arrive. I mean this list is endless, we’ve all been in these situations. Sometime back, I was on a flight from Delhi to Mumbai, I started playing solitaire (it’s available offline too) and nostalgia hit me so hard that I happily played several rounds of the game and it was great. 

When you’re alone

Well, social interaction isn’t for everyone. At some point everyone craves downtime, with little to no human interaction. At times it becomes a compulsion, like when you fall sick. After a continuous dosage of netflix or scrolling through social media you want something else to do. Pick up an online card game next time this happens. I recommend you play Rummy online because, a.) It’s an easy game to learn, and, b.) Each game lasts for a good 4-8 minutes and keeps you busy for longer. 

When you want a break to refresh

The problem that most of us face is that we get stuck in a rut. Though having a routine is great, it’s important to not become a slave to it. Playing card games online is not only a good source of entertainment but is good for the brain in general since a lot of card games require a considerable level of skill so they serve a dual purpose. You don’t have to make plans or go anywhere or spend any money to de-stress. The convenience of online card games also allows you to play as and when you like and what you like. It’s quick, so you can squeeze in a couple of games at anytime during a day. 
The idea of finding a hobby is that, it should be something you look forward to, even when you’re having a bad day. Even if you play in your free time, over a period of time you can master some of these games and play online for Real Money and may be earn some pocket money. It’s a win-win situation guys, just pick up your phone and start playing, make the most of all situations in life and you’ll never be “stuck” again. 
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