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Gamentio: My Journey, My Experience- Sumeet Arora

  • Published Date October 14, 2015
  • By Admin

“All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible”. - T. E. Lawrence

Sumeet Arora, the founder of Logic Simplified Pvt. Ltd. has always been one such person. A dreamer. He has this deeply inspiring ability to analyse the present and dream about the future. He has been the brain, heart & soul of the Gamentio project. If it weren’t for him, Gamentio perhaps would have been still trapped in the ‘random thoughts’ folder of some guy.

Those who work closely with Sumeet believe that along with the extraordinary knowledge he has in technology, he also possesses a remarkable business sense. Perhaps that is why he was able to recognise and analyse the gap between the real card games and those available online. This gave him the idea to deliver something that bridges the gap and provides a real casino like experience to the online users with the comfort of their homes.

Once he knew what was lacking, like a dreamer, he visualised the entire future of Gamentio. From the initial stages of the project, Sumeet knew exactly what he wanted, where he wanted it, and how he wanted it to be. His strong hold on the idea and his lifelong dream to build something of his own that could change the World one day, have been the driving force behind all this.

The more he thought about it, the more convinced he was with the idea. The idea and dream of Gamentio - an online social gaming portal that brings about a revolution in the World of casino gaming.

At that point in time, Logic Simplified was up and running for almost two years, the team had built numerous games for clients across borders, but the plan of building something of their own was a naive thought for many.

Not wanting to allocate the resources of Logic Simplified, Sumeet wanted to set up a new team for Gamentio entirely. He says, “The biggest challenge was to find the right talent. We needed professionals who believed in the concept of Gamentio as much as I did. I wanted people who would stand by me through the achievements as well as the failures of the development process. Essentially I was looking for people who were as crazy believers as I was. Those who could relate to my vision and say - yeah, let’s do this.”

And, Sumeet did find them! Team Gamentio started with three people - Sumeet Arora, Gaurav Rawat and Inder Singh.

Reminiscing over the journey of Gamentio, Sumeet says,  “The team has spent many sleepless nights and weekends have been all about Gamentio. As the team grew, our passion and belief became stronger. Each of us has been like a parent to this project. It’s our first step towards making it big on our own. So, Today when we are just weeks away from going live, it’s a time of overwhelming emotions.”

Sumeet credits his terrific team for moving things along and making Gamentio what it is Today. He shares, “We had our rough patches. There were times when we worked for hours without moving an inch further, we had our challenges, but the team never lost faith in my vision. I am happy that we have made this far, and very soon we will be witnessing as a team what I had dreamt years ago”.

Gamentio means different things for different people. For some it’s a game, for some it’s a journey, while for others, it’s a leap towards a glorified success. For Sumeet, it’s a revolution that will change the entire perspective of online social casino games.

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