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Top 7 Favorite Casino Games

  • Published Date July 9, 2020
  • By Admin

Top 7 Favorite Casino Games

The casino industry has a wide range of games available to suit the needs of the fans. Temperaments, preferences, moods, winning streaks, skills, and many more factors contribute to determining players favourite casino games. Someone who enjoys strategy games will definitely choose poker while another person who just wants a good dose of entertainment with their evening drink will opt for the slot machines. 

After that being said, don't fall prey to other’s judgments and do not judge others for their game choices. After all the motives for playing may vary from making money to testing one's skill to simply having a gala time. Here are some of our favorites. 


Blackjack is a vital card game in any respectable casino. It is also featured in many movies, as it is a game combining strategies and techniques with luck. The game is relatively simpler than any other card game, which makes players quick learners. 

The rules are simple, where players have to beat the dealer to a hand of 21. Blackjack has a lower house edge unlike most other card games in the casino. The house edge is the percentage of every bet that the casino keeps as a profit. It is a game of decisions and what you decide has an impact on your result. 

One of the great things about the blackjack game is that it is one of the few gambling games where a skilled player can get an edge. Counting cards is the most known betting technique used in this game. Players can improve their odds of winning by learning blackjack strategies, which can lower the casino’s house edge to below 0.5%.

It is a fantastic game, and even though it is not on your list at the casino, you must add this to the menu of games that you choose from. It is not only a game with a lot of fun, but the odds are some of the best in the casino.


Slots are one of the most popular in the world that has emerged for many decades. It is the easiest gambling game to understand. All you have to do is push the lever and hope for the best. Slots are also known as the one-armed bandits. This is because they empty your pockets without apology. Although it is an excellent incentive for casinos, their popularity, graphic interface, music, and simplicity makes the first choice for gambling fans. 

When you enter into a casino, you will see the number of people waiting for their turns on progressive, regular, and video poker machines. These are the favorite games of fans in both traditional casinos and online platforms. 

Slots are the best games for those who don’t like to socialize with other gamblers. It is also the preferred game for those who don’t want to make any decisions. All you have to do is, put your money, and spin the reels. That’s just how the game works, and it appeals to many people. 

Although the payouts are not as high as table games, slots are the undisputed king of casino games. If you are an introvert and don’t like making decisions, it is a must-try game. Remember one thing, just play within your bankroll. 


Whether it is a traditional casino or an online one, poker is the most popular and widely played board game across the globe. It is a card game with a rich history and abundant variations. Among all the variations, Texas Hold’em poker is the most popular one. Although each variety has its own rules, the basic gameplay is the same. 

Online poker game is a psychological game that involves skill sets and intelligence to defeat the opponents having years of experience and proficiency. The popularity of poker has been fueled by television viewing and online play. It is one of the lucrative casino card games with million-dollar prizes and progressive jackpots, but it does require skill to gain proficiency in it. 

One of the key reasons why so many love this card game is the gambling factor. Without the added thrill of gambing, a poker game is not complete. There are several betting rounds during a single hand of poker, and some cards are kept hidden until the final betting round. 


Craps is the most popular dice game in the world and is played in every traditional and online casino. It is a game based totally on luck and is loved by players because it has a low house edge. Even the beginners can win this game if they are fortunate enough. In this game a player bets on the outcome of the roll, or as a series of rolls, of a pair of dice. If you are a novice player to craps, it might seem complicated and pretty hectic. This is because a lot of action is going on all at once as a player can place craps bets at any point during a round. Once you learn how to play craps, it is not at all hard. 

A player can easily avoid the high house edge bets. All they have to do is just stick to the simple bets on the table and refrain from the ones that seem complicated. If a player sticks with pass/don’t pass, come/don’t come, and odd bets, they will face a house edge about 1% or less. 

Craps is one of the most social games in any casino. People are constantly jumping up and down, yelling, and giving each other high fives. If you have never played this game before, you might be missing out some of the fast-paced fun that you can have in the world of gambling.


Don’t avoid this game just because you don’t know how to pronounce it. Baccarat is super-popular in Macau and gaining popularity in Vegas also. Why? The odds are solid, it’s dramatic, and the rules are very easy. Bettors can bet on three outcomes: the player, the banker or it can end in a tie. The game offers a comparatively low house edge. 

A player doesn't make any decisions when playing baccarat. It isn’t like blackjack at all. The only thing that the games have in common is that they are played from a traditional deck of cards. 

It is ideal for high rollers gamblers because of 1.2 average house percentage on their bets as well as bankers, therefore making profits much higher when they win. Baccarat is also a perfect game for those who aren’t looking for a fast-paced game. This is also best for the players who are not interested in learning a strategy and also who don’t want an edger over the casino. So, if you are looking for a simple game and extended playtime, baccarat is the best option to choose in the casino.


Visit any casino and observe the spots where the maximum crowds are. You will see crowds of people gathered around the roulette wheel, cheering with every spin of the wheel. The game has been popular since it was first introduced at the casinos. Also, it is still one of those games that appeal to the players regardless if they choose a brick n motor or an online casino. 

It is a table game that has a wheel with numbers on it. It is an easy game to learn, and even a beginner player can play the game with confidence after just a few minutes of watching the action. The presence of the “wheel” makes roulette thrilling. The spinning of the wheel and the ball bouncing and skipping until it reaches its final spot definitely adds to the drama. 

It is a social casino game, where you are not betting against anybody else. There are no sides in roulette, and everybody can make the same amount of bet if they want. It is an enjoyable game that can be learnt very easily. If you haven’t tried it yet, you must give it a shot.

Three-Card Poker 

Three-card poker is a fun and fast poker game variant that has gained a lot of recognition and has taken the casino world by storm. It is a game with good odds and a low house edge. Unlike other types of poker, three-card poker is much easier to learn and play than standard poker. Since this game is easy to learn, by implementing a proper strategy, a player gets an edge over the casino and wins big in the long run. 

In this poker variant, the player plays heads-up against the dealer not against other opponents. As only three cards are dealt with, the probability of getting certain hands changes quite a bit. That is part of the fun of this game. To get a straight flush, a flush, or a straight is easy when a player has only to get three cards to match. 

If you like the fast pacing of blackjack games and enjoy having lots of hands that are played quickly and heaps of money are exchanged rapidly, then three-card poker is for you.

The games mentioned above on this list represent the top 7 favorite casino games. Which is your favorite game? Post your answer in the comment section below.

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Tips on how to play online video slots | Beginner guide


Beginners guide on how to play online video slots

For over a hundred years, slots machines were the most common and popular source of entertainment. However, they have now evolved into a more modern variant known as video slots. Today, the game is very popular in live casinos, and their virtual counterparts attract legions of players. With the increasing availability of the internet, there are a wide variety of video slot machines to play in virtual casinos today, ranging from the simple “One Armed Bandit” to the latest high-tech video slots.

Although the game can be played with little to no background knowledge or previous experience, it is still vital to understand the basics of how the game works. Doing so will help you in making the most of your gambling experience. But before we begin how to play video slots, first, let's see what it is.   

What is video slots online?

Though classic slots are still prevalent among gamblers, their video versions have started to gain more attention in recent years. One of the main reasons for its increase in popularity is its ease and high entertainment value, which appeals to newbies and experienced players.  

As the name suggests, video slots are an on-screen version of a land-based slot game.  Rather than using a lever and a simple reel mechanism, the game is played on a video screen, with the player pressing a button in order to start the action. When you think of a traditional slot machine, you might picture a three-reel slot machine with a lever on one side to get the reels spin. Fruit symbols, sevens, dollar signs, horseshoes, and bells are probably to appear as symbols here. However, video slots are different. Because of its digital nature, it provides a wide range of dynamic graphics, sounds, animations, and themes that gives an interactive experience. 

Video slots are significantly more extensive than their one-armed bandit counterparts. They are played over five reels instead of three. Furthermore, they are likely to have a large number of paylines. Apart from thematic symbols, there are also going to be special symbols. The wagering range is substantially broader, and the prizes tend to be far more valuable.

Due to technological evolution, you can play the game based on your preferred TV shows, movies, fantastical lands, comic books, famous figures, etc. When playing the game online, there are better possibilities for side games, bonuses, and features to keep you entertained. This is just one of the reasons why gamers are drawn to this kind of play. With the rise in digital casinos, many traditional casino games like online coin machines have moved online.

Furthermore, unlike most reel slots machines, video slots have a higher maximum for bets. They usually have a significantly higher number of paylines, and the more paylines there are, the more coins you could be able to bet. Despite advancements in technology, the gameplay is relatively the same. 

Video slots features

If you want to learn how to win big at slots, you must first comprehend what features the games have to offer and what you are actually playing for. You can play online slot games without knowing the different elements, but this will make the gameplay boring. As we play slots to have some fun, it is crucial to get familiar with its different features. 


Slot reels are the vertical positions on the grid where different symbols land in various combinations. By matching the appropriate symbols, you win the game. There are more than three or more reels. The most popular slots, however, are 3-reel and 5-reel slots.


A payline is a pattern on the reels that the game reads to see if you have hit a winning combination or not. Usually, in most online slot games, the paylines move from left to right. However, in some, they move both ways. Some are straight lines, whereas others are zig-zagged. A win occurs when you get identical symbols on an active payline. There are certain symbols that are more valuable than others. The more you land on the highest value paying symbol, the bigger your win will be.

Scatter symbol: 

In each video slot game, scatters are your best friends. Normally, there are scatters in every slot game. It’s rare not to have these symbols. But if that is the case, they can be replaced with other symbols, such as bonus symbols, which perform in a similar way. The reason these symbols are excellent company is their capability to activate bonus games, like mini-games, free spins, or other bonus rounds.


You might have often heard the term ‘wild card’ across many different games. This usually means a card that can substitute for any other card that you may want in order to win. With slots, it means the same. Wilds are one of the most common symbol features in the slot game. It is typically used to help you complete a winning combination that would otherwise be incomplete. They can be either simple logos or present as heroes, depending on the theme. Wild symbols offer you to win big in free slots.

Bonus round: 

It is a popular feature in the slot game that grants extra winnings. The bonus you receive could be anything, like picking one of the three chests, a chance to spin the bonus wheel, mini-games, etc. Prizes that you win during the bonus round are always for free.

How to play video slots?

No matter how fancy the graphics are, online casino slots machines all work in the same way. Before you start playing, you must check the paytable, provided by every online slot gaming app. It will show you which symbols are the best and if they have any bonus rounds or unique features. 

All video slots contain a set number of columns called reels, which displays the symbols. Despite the fact that each game has its own variations, every slot machine uses a random number generator (RNG). As the name implies, this technology assures that the symbols displayed on the reels are chosen at random and that the game and the outcome of each spin is fair. 

Once you select the bet size, press the spin button or the lever and see what fate has in store for you. If three identical symbols stop in successive positions on any of the bet lines, you will win. Payouts may vary depending on the number of paylines the slot machine has.

Many slots websites also give you an option of an autoplay feature. This mode allows you to sit back and let your computer do the spinning for you. Once you click on it,  you can set up as many as a number of spins before you start playing. Some online apps or sites also offer to spin the reels for you until you stop it. Once selected, the machine will keep spinning, displaying the outcomes and then moving on to the next spin. Generally, you can begin by pressing the “autoplay” button, which is usually located on the main screen.

Where to play online video slots?

Video slots are games of luck that do not require any strategy or skill to win. This is the most significant edge over other card and table games. They increase your chances of winning and make the gameplay more enjoyable. Now that you know what the features are and how to play slots, why not try the game on Gamentio and apply theory into practice. The site allows you to play video slots casino for fun that too for free and win tons of coins. What’s unique about this site is that it gives you a chance to use your winning coins at the Gamentio auction. You can bid on your favourite product and win the product of your dreams at nominal prices from the comfort of our couch. So, what are you waiting for? Install the app NOW



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